Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00
Licensed in PA, NJ, and DE
ELPS Private Detective Agency is regularly retained by insurance providers, law firms, corporations, business entities, and private individuals to gather information, collect evidence, interview witnesses, criminals, suspects and locate subjects. Private Investigators must know and understand the laws that govern the use of investigative methods. These methods include physical and electronic surveillance, proprietary database searches, interviews and other research methods used to discover information required by a client.
ELPS has worked for both sides in civil litigations. We have assisted attorneys with proving a claim for damages as well as worked for insurance companies to show a client really has no legitimate claim. We work to provide the truth, uncovering every stone. Only the truth…….
These background searches can help you find out the TRUTH about who you are meeting online. It’s also a good way to find out if they are dating others beside you! We, also, provide documented facts of unwarranted behavior of persons directly involved with children.
ELPS Provides Surveillance, both mobile and stationary. We can provide video and still photo evidence for workers compensation fraud, insurance fraud, unemployment fraud, child custody, infidelity, cohabitation, theft of time, drinking on the job, residency requirements and the list goes on and on. If you have a need for surveillance contact us to discuss a customized plan for your needs.
Discovering an affair in your relationship is hard enough, but that’s just the beginning of what you will face. A family court ruling will be rendered either for or against you and your children. A judge will decide for you based on the evidence, who is the best custodial parent. If your state considers infidelity grounds for divorce, proof is essential! If you are party to a legal action, your observations, discoveries, and testimony are already tainted with bias
Courts are more likely to determine that two people are cohabiting if they share the same residence full-time, have a romantic or sexual relationship, and share finances similar to a married couple.
This is a particularly important issue given how many couples are choosing to live together rather than marry. The percentage of married households in the United States has fallen to a historic low; census data cited 48 percent of households in 2014 were married couples. The number of married households fell to 48 percent in 2014 from a high of about 72 percent in 1960.
Building a case that demonstrates cohabitation, one has to understand that this will take time. Gathering sound evidence to document the truth may be difficult and time consuming; especially knowing that the ex-spouse collecting the alimony will do their best to conceal this financially game changing information.
ELPS Private Detective Agency is a seasoned investigative firm that understands the complexity and specialized services needed in a cohabitation investigation. Our team will provide you with the highest degree of professionalism and experience that in turn results in a high degree of success. There are very few investigators that understand what is wanted by the courts. Our expertise with cohabitation cases provides you with the information needed to convince the Judge that your ex is cohabitating based on evidence NOT rumors.
Our reputation of reliability and integrity with insurance providers, law firms, corporations, business entities, and private individuals makes ELPS PDA a well-respected firm throughout the industry. We service Pennsylvania statewide from Philadelphia County to Erie County, all of New Jersey and can provide investigative services throughout the nation with a network of highly trained private investigators, investigative specialists and licensed associates. Our dedicated professional staff is here to serve all your investigative needs.
This type of investigation helps insurance companies and large corporations uncover persons claiming false injuries and who receive disability compensation. There is no substitute for solid visual evidence to save companies thousands of dollars in fraudulent claims. Our complete investigation includes:
Workers Comp can best be described as when an employee gets a work-related injury, or illness. Workers comp insurance then covers the employee when a work-related accident takes place. This insurance ensures that the employee’s medical bills and expenses along with pay are reimbursed. Some people take advantage of the system, including the employee, employer and even the health care provider. Taking advantage of the system, would be considered workers compensation fraud. Workers compensation fraud is when an employee or employer lies about an injury or illness that took place in the workplace. Fraud occurs when someone makes a false report knowing that the information they are giving or obtaining is not true and falls under breaking the law.
Time theft occurs when an employee in a work place accepts pay from their employer when they have not actually put the time in or have not done the work. When the employee is not doing the work they are responsible for it is considered theft of time.
Diversion Investigations (Grey Market) – Investigation of stolen property from your supply chain and sold illegally in which the goods are sold outside of typical or normal channels. Such as online, flea markets, craigslist or out of a car trunk or van. Often among this list is electronics, clothing, baby formula, razors and jewelry. Most goods sold in the “Grey Market” are acquired through theft or fraud. These Grey Market items can be identified at times by noting a lower price than suggested pricing, a foreign language on the packaging or item itself, and a lack of warranty.
ELPS PDA can provide detailed investigations for these matters using our trained staff to conduct surveillances, make purchases and through our investigation process we can collect evidence and identify the cause of your loss of profits and product. All of this information can be shared with the local or state law enforcement agencies to help prosecute the individuals involved and recover as much merchandise as possible.
In Pennsylvania, a child who lives with someone other than a parent can attend school in the caregiver’s town of residence if the caregiver provides appropriate legal documentation to show dependency or guardianship or a sworn statement with specified information. Someone who knowingly provides false information in the sworn statement for the purpose of enrolling a child in a school district for which the child is not eligible is guilty of a summary offense. Violators face paying tuition costs, up to 240 hours of community service, a fine of up to $300, and paying court costs (24 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 13-1302).
When a parent intentionally provides an incorrect address to a public school to meet residency requirements to have their child attend a certain school district, ELPS PDA has a proven track record of identifying where the student actually resides. We provide this investigative service to school districts, so they can take the necessary action.
Children are our most important asset. We nurture them, watch as they grow and hope that they make careful and responsible choices. Professional Investigations can discreetly offer you both support and peace of mind by ensuring they are making the right decisions. What they do, where they go and how safely do they get there…. Don’t be the last to know.
The loss of independence is among the hardest things we face when getting older. Often times, loved ones have well-grounded concerns about the safety and security of their aging family members who live alone or have begun to exhibit concerning behavior.
If you suspect someone is being abused, contact us immediately. Our professional agents are skilled in elder abuse investigations and will get you the answers you need as soon as possible. We are passionate about putting an end to this unsavory activity and will work with you to resolve the situation.
We can provide numerous undercover operations. For example, we can provide undercover operatives to work in office, retail, warehouse settings, etc. to get inside intelligence on what may be occurring to help identify, fix and prosecute profit losses. These undercover investigators often infiltrate an individual or a suspected insurgent group, posing as a person interested in purchasing illegal goods or services with the final goal of obtaining information about their assigned target.
A missing person is categorized as “any individual who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed as his or her location and fate are not known.” These individuals may go missing voluntarily or possibly due to an accident, a crime, or a death in a location where they cannot be found such as a body of water. While a majority of the missing person cases received are solved quickly, some can linger for years or even decades as in many jurisdictions, relatives and third parties may not deal with a missing person’s assets until their death is considered proven by law and a formal death certificate issued. Most law enforcement agencies will often heavily stress that the case should be reported as early as possible to gather as much evidence as possible and to stay on the trail of the missing. Tackling missing persons across international borders has led to databases being created and shared from the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children in the US, Missing People in the UK, Child Focus in Belgium, and The Smile of the Child in Greece.
A person who has disappeared, with their location or fate unknown to anyone. Their status could be dead or alive but cannot be confirmed as their whereabouts are unknown. Missing persons can go missing:
Law enforcement agencies provide safety for their entire community; they often fail to prioritize missing person’s cases over more tangible crimes. In fact, the Columbus Monthly reports that 90,000 people remain missing in the United States today.
According to the National Institute Of Justice (NIJ), 17,000 law enforcement agencies operate within the U.S., many of which don’t have the time or money to tackle missing person’s reports.
ELPS Private Detective Agency can dedicate the time and resources to finding your missing loved one.
Product liability is an area of law in which manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others product makers who sell to the public are held responsible for the injuries those products cause. Although the word “product” has broad connotations, product liability as an area of law is traditionally limited to products in the form of tangible personal property. When it comes to product liability in the United States, the most common claims are Negligence, Strict Liability, Breach Of Warranty, and various Consumer Protection. The majority of these claims are determined at the state level and they can vary from state to state. Each type of claim requires different elements relevant to each case in order to be proven and to present a successful claim. According to Section 2 of the Restatement (Third) of Torts, the three main distinguishing types of product liability claims are manufacturing defect, design defect and a failure to warn. Manufacturing defects are those that occur in the manufacturing process and usually involve poor-quality materials or shoddy workmanship. The design defects occur where the product design is inherently dangerous or useless regardless of how carefully the product is manufactured. This can be proved by showing that the product fails to satisfy the ordinary consumer expectations as to what constitutes a “safe product”, or that the risks of the product heavily outweigh the benefits. Failure to warn defects can arise in products which carry inherent nonobvious dangers which could be mitigated through adequate warnings to the user, and that these dangers are present regardless of how well the product is manufactured and designed for its intended purpose.
With over 30 years of experience in the Loss Prevention / Security industry servicing Fortune 500 companies, ELPS Private Detective Agency can provide as much – or as little – consulting, training, hardware implementation and case investigation services as you need to help ensure your company’s success.
We specialize in all areas of employee dishonesty and other acts that negatively affect your company’s profitability.
Are you experiencing register shortages, deposit irregularities, inventory discrepancies or unexplained transactions? These are just a few of the many key indicators indicating theft or fraud is occurring in your work place.
ELPS Private Detective Agency prides itself on being able to provide small to midsize companies with services needed to succeed at a modest and reasonable cost. We can be your outsourced Loss Prevention Department, providing weekly, monthly or quarterly visits, audits and on call availability.
For further information please call us to help you prevent, deter and identify the underlying cause of your unnecessary profit losses.
An expert witness is anybody designated by the court that can give an “expert opinion” or deliver “expert evidence” due to having the proper education, training, certification, skills or experience.
Do you need an expert? For detailed information regarding Expert Witnesses, please visit Kolins Security Group @ Https://Www.Kolinssecuritygroup.Com
Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972, which came from the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Not only did the titles increase athletic opportunities for females but the U.S. Supreme Court issued three decisions clarifying that Title IX requires schools to respond appropriately to reports of sexual harassment and sexual violence against students.
Title IX Investigators put an emphasis on sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and intimate partner violence particularly dealing with schools. Along with continually updating the complaints and investigations to the Title IX Coordinator and appropriate University employees assisting with the University’s response to Titles IX matters.
To solve such cases the investigator typically conducts interviewing of witnesses, gathering and securing relevant documentation, and analyzing the evidence that was found. Along with providing a testimony to conclude University processing’s related to complaints.
The Title IX investigator must create an investigation plan, making credible assessments, preparing and presenting memoranda of findings and appropriate supporting documents, and communicating with the parties; while protecting the neutrality, integrity and privacy of the investigation. In addition to, being responsible for effective collaboration and communication with key stakeholders and partners.
Do you need to locate a long lost loved one, a college roommate, childhood friend, contractor who did not finish the work, etc.? ELPS Private Detective Agency can help you in locating a person’s whereabouts. We specialize and finding the people that don’t want to be found. The term “skip” (as a noun) refers to the person being searched for, and is derived from the idiomatic expression “to skip town”, meaning to depart (perhaps in a rush), leaving minimal clues behind to “trace” the “skip” to a new location. From Wikipedia.
Has justice been done in your case? Are you, or is someone you know, a victim of a serious unsolved crime? Has the police investigation slacked off or even been canceled entirely? ELPS’s Private Investigators will use every resource available to bring resolution to the situation!
ELPS Private Detective Agency is a dynamic team of professionals with over 30 years of investigative experience dedicated to serving the security & investigation needs of businesses & individuals.
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